Archive for November 2012
Greetings from Ghana!
Thursday, 29 November 2012 by Renee
It's hard to believe but it was two weeks ago now that we landed in hot and sweaty Accra!
It's been a crazy, hectic time filled with all sorts of briefings, orientations, lessons in the local language Twi (pronounced like chwee), and scoping out our new surrounds. We're surrounded by so many things that are familiar to us, and yet so many unfamiliar and completely unpredictable things as well.

Well built highways, then main roads that have eroded to barely more than a single lane, and drivers swerving all over the road to miss the frequent potholes that decorate the bitumen. The smell of fresh sweet pineapple, then the whiff of open drainage in 32 degree heat. Sipping my first fresh coconut by the side of the road in crazy makola market.

Walking through a shopping mall that could have been a new section of any familiar shopping mall back home, except for the madness of traffic and sea of street vendors outside. And views of the suburbs from our hotel room, including a father tutoring his children, surrounded by chickens and dirt roads.
"Expect the unexpected" has become our new mantra as we learn to embrace the randomness of life here. Crazy things have already happened, including me being asked by reception to "translate" for some Chinese businessmen who couldn't speak English, to help them order lunch. (When my handful of questions and responses failed me, I took to showing them pictures of our Chinese holiday on Adam's phone). We're living in an extremely religious country and yet there is a raunchy nude hanging on our hotel room wall. And you just never know how a chef will interpret your order!
It's been an exhausting couple of weeks (months, really!) but things feel a little more comfortable everyday, and we hopefully move into our new house by the end of the week. I'll post more when we have that one sorted out!
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