Voyages Afrique de l'Ouest: Togo #2 Hiking in Kpalime
Tuesday, 4 March 2014 by Renee
The next day we headed off to Kpalime for a few days. The hotel we wanted was a bit out of town and we had to persevere to convince drivers not to just leave us at one one of the hotels in town, but we would honestly recommend Chez Felicia to anyone regardless of budget or background. Run by Francoise and his beautiful family, the story goes that his mother, Felicia, had lived a hard life and wanted the best for her son. He went to school and worked hard in the tourism industry to save money to build his own hotel so his mother could finally enjoy a more comfortable life. Madame Felicia sadly died not long before the hotel opened, but she is now eternally honoured in the name, Felicia's place. If you're ever in the area, go and visit Chez Felicia, even if it's only for some of their delicious food, fresh passionfruit juice from their vine and a friendly chat - you won't regret it.

Francoise's friendly daughter helped us settle in, and took us for a casual afternoon stroll around the base of Mt Klouto and through ruins of an old German hospital...
The next day, we organised for a hike up Mt Agou with a fabulous guide who showed us natural paints and took us to visit his mate, a cocoa farmer who lives half way up the mountain. Did you know you can eat cocoa fruit? It's really nice, but nothing like chocolate...

Francoise's friendly daughter helped us settle in, and took us for a casual afternoon stroll around the base of Mt Klouto and through ruins of an old German hospital...
The next day, we organised for a hike up Mt Agou with a fabulous guide who showed us natural paints and took us to visit his mate, a cocoa farmer who lives half way up the mountain. Did you know you can eat cocoa fruit? It's really nice, but nothing like chocolate...
A hike well recommended!
On the way back down the mountain, Francoise took us on a detour to his home village, proudly showing us off as his guests. We got to catch the end of a mountain-top soccer match and a storm before heading back to Chez Felicia's for one last amazing meal.
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