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Canoe Safari


Wednesday 23 January 2013 by Renee

Oh! We did have one adventure on our "do nothing" holiday. One morning we got up early (before dawn!) and headed down to Akwidaa town for a canoe safari through the mangroves behind the ocean.  

Even through bleery eyes, the early morning rise was worth it to witness the mangroves and its inhabitants at the most peaceful time of day.  

Although I was permanently afraid that I was about to topple out of the precariously-balanced dugout canoe at any moment, it would have to be one of the most serene moments in my memory – gliding though completely silent waters and watching the crabs and birds go about their morning rituals, with our guide telling us the animals’ stories in his calm deep voice.

There were so many birds! Adam and I both missed a fleeting chance to see a toucan in real life, and there were no monkeys (apparently we missed them by a day), but it was a fantastic, wonderfully peaceful morning.


  1. Great shots! Lucky the camera (and you) didn't topple out of the canoe!

  2. Haha yeah I was a bit nervous about the camera near the water. Cheers, I'm still mostly relying on the EXR mode, but I'm determined to learn how to use it properly this year. Also, question, this blog made the dead tree pic look out of focus, but if you click through to look at it full size it isn't. Weird?

  3. Great photos Renee, I especially love that first one. And whenever I see those tall tall palm trees, I always think of Ghana. I've been (very) slowly learning how to use the manual settings on my camera too - it can be a little frustrating at first but then it's nice to have the extra control. Good luck!


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